Definition | : | Vinmonopolet |
Category | : | Business » Companies & Corporations |
Country/Region | : | Norway |
Popularity | : |
What does V mean?
Vinmonopolet (Ⓥ or V) is a government-owned alcoholic beverage retailer in Norway.
The name Vinmonopolet is derived from the Norwegian words "vin" (wine), "monopol" (monopoly), and "polet" (place of sale). The name reflects the fact that Vinmonopolet has a monopoly on the retail sale of wine, spirits, and other alcoholic beverages in Norway.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of V in Companies (Norway)?
The full form of V is Vinmonopolet
What is the full form of V in Business?
What are the full forms of V in Norway?
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