
Definition : Watt-hours per mile
Category : Academic & Science » Units
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What does Wh/mi mean?

Watt-hours per mile (Wh/mi) is a unit of energy consumption used to measure the energy efficiency of an Electric Vehicle (EV).
Wh/mi represents the amount of energy, in watt-hours, consumed by a vehicle to travel one mile. A lower Wh/mi value indicates a more efficient vehicle.

If an EV consumes 220 Wh/mi, it means that it consumes 200 watt-hours of energy for every mile it travels.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of Wh/mi?

The full form of Wh/mi is Watt-hours per mile

What is the full form of Wh/mi in Academic & Science?

Watt-hours per mile

What is the full form of Wh/mi in Worldwide?

Watt-hours per mile


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