Definition | : | Work-In-Progress |
Category | : | Business » Business Terms |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does WIP mean?
Work-In-Progress (WIP) or Work in Process (WIP) refers to an inventory account that's holding partially finished goods that are awaiting completion.
WIP is a type of good that is unfinished and is currently in the process of production and requires further processing in order to turn them into the final product or finished goods.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of WIP?
The full form of WIP is Work-In-Progress
What are the full forms of WIP in Business?
Work-In-Progress | Warner Independent Pictures | Wash In Place
What are the full forms of WIP in Worldwide?
Work-In-Progress | Wash In Place | Windows Insider Program | Washington Ireland Program | Women In Prison | Wireless Internet Protocol
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