Definition : Advertising Cost of Sales
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What does ACoS mean?

Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) is a metric used to measure the performance of Amazon Sponsored Product Ads. It is a percentage of unit sales spent on advertising.
ACoS calculates the correlation between the amount of money spend on advertising and the amount of money one makes as a result of that spending.

ACoS = (Ad Spend ÷ Total Sales) x 100
For example:
If you spend $15 on advertising, and it resulted in a sale of $75, then your ACoS would be (15/60)100 = 25%

Amazon Sponsored Product Ads are a type of Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising based on keywords and product targeting that drive traffic to a desired product detail page.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of ACoS in Amazon?

The full form of ACoS is Advertising Cost of Sales

What is the full form of ACoS in Business?

Advertising Cost of Sales

What are the full forms of ACoS in Worldwide?

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