Definition | : | Tyrannosaurus |
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What does T mean?
Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) is a species of dinosaur that lived approximately 68 to 66 million years ago during the late Cretaceous period. It was a large carnivorous dinosaur, with some specimens measuring over 40 feet in length and weighing several tons.
The "T" in T-Rex stands for "Tyrannosaurus" and "Rex" means "king" in Latin. T-Rex is often referred to as the "king of the dinosaurs.
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What is the full form of T in T-Rex?
The full form of T is Tyrannosaurus
What is the full form of T in Animal Kingdom?
What are the full forms of T in Worldwide?
Temperature | Tera | Time period | Tesla | Teen | time | Threonine | Thymine | Testosterone | Tyrannosaurus | tonne | Telekom | Treasury | Tritium | Telephone | Tablespoon | teaspoon | Thymus | Time-reversal | Three-millimeter
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