Definition : Programmable Read-Only Memory
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What does PROM mean?

Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM) is a type of read-only memory that can be modified once by a user. Standard PROM can only be programmed once because PROM chips are manufactured with a series of fuses one programmed, it remains there forever. The chip is programmed by a special device called a PROM programmer or PROM burner which supplies an electrical current to specific cells in the ROM that effectively blows a fuse in them. The open fuses are read as ones, while the burned fuses are read as zeros. Thus by burning specific fuses, a binary pattern of ones and zeros is imprinted on the chip.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of PROM?

The full form of PROM is Programmable Read-Only Memory

What is the full form of PROM in Academic & Science?

Programmable Read-Only Memory

What are the full forms of PROM in Worldwide?

Programmable Read-Only Memory | Premature Rupture of Membranes | Passive Range of Motion


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