Definition : Mechanical Fuel Injection
Category : Technology » Automotive
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What does MFI mean?

Mechanical Fuel Injection (MFI) is a type of fuel delivery system, which there is constant fuel flowing in one circuit or the other. This allows for control of the air/fuel ratio by increasing or decreasing the flow rate (pressure) of fuel against two fixed orifices. One orifice sends fuel to the intake (spray nozzles) and the other back to the storage tank.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of MFI in Fuel Injection Systems?

The full form of MFI is Mechanical Fuel Injection

What is the full form of MFI in Technology?

Mechanical Fuel Injection

What are the full forms of MFI in Worldwide?

Money Flow Index | Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad | Mechanical Fuel Injection | Melt Flow Index | Microfinance Institution | Mass Fatality Incident


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