Definition | : | MegaByte(s) |
Category | : | Computing » General Computing |
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What does MB mean?
MegaByte (MB) is a unit of digital information or computer storage. Although the prefix mega- means 1000000 or (106), the term MegaByte has historically been used to refer to either 106 bytes or 220 bytes, dependent upon context, in the fields of computer science and information technology.
Base 10 (Decimal)
1 megabyte (MB) = 106 bytes = 1,000,000 bytes
Base 2 (Binary)
1 mebibyte (MiB) = 220 = 1,048,576 bytes
Technically, a megabyte (MB) is a power of ten, while a mebibyte (MiB) is a power of two, which is appropriate for binary machines.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of MB?
The full form of MB is MegaByte(s)
What are the full forms of MB in Computing?
What are the full forms of MB in Worldwide?
MegaByte(s) | Megabit(s) | Motherboard | Myoglobin | Mercedes-Benz | millibar | Body wave magnitude | Megabarn | millibarn | millibel