Definition : Letters, Digits, Hyphen
Category : Computing » Internet
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does LDH mean?

Letters, Digits, Hyphen (LDH) is used to describe a string of characters that consists only of letters, digits, and hyphens.
LDH rule is a common rule for domain names on the internet. According to this rule, domain names can only contain the following characters:
Letters (a to z)
Digits (0 to 9)
Hyphen (-)

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We have found 7 more results for LDH
Worldwide LDH Lactate DeHydrogenase
Worldwide LDH Layered Double Hydroxide
Tech Terms
India LDH Ludhiana Junction
Transport & Travel
Railway Station Codes
Australia LDH Lord Howe Island Airport
Transport & Travel
Airport Codes
Worldwide LDH Large Diameter Hose
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France LDH Ligue des Droits de l'Homme
[Human Rights League]
Associations & Organizations
Regional Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of LDH in Internet Standards?

The full form of LDH is Letters, Digits, Hyphen

What is the full form of LDH in Computing?

Letters, Digits, Hyphen

What are the full forms of LDH in Worldwide?

Lactate DeHydrogenase | Layered Double Hydroxide | Large Diameter Hose | Letters, Digits, Hyphen


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