Definition : Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome
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What does LGS mean?

Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) is a severe form of epilepsy that typically begins in childhood.
LGS is characterized by multiple types of seizures, cognitive decline, and behavioral problems.
Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) is named after two neurologists, William G. Lennox and Henri Gastaut.
Lennox was an American neurologist who worked at the Children's Hospital in Boston, United States. He was a pioneer in the study of epilepsy and published numerous papers on the condition.
Gastaut was a French neurologist who worked at the University of Marseille, France.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of LGS in Neurological Disorders?

The full form of LGS is Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome

What are the full forms of LGS in Medical?

Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome | Leaky Gut Syndrome | Low-Grade Serous

What are the full forms of LGS in Worldwide?

Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome | Logitech Gaming Software | Laser Guide Star | Local Gaming Store | Leaky Gut Syndrome | Light Gauge Steel | Local Government System | Low-Grade Serous


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