Definition : Emergency Passenger Oxygen System
Category : Governmental » Military
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does EPOS mean?

Emergency Passenger Oxygen System (EPOS) is a self-contained protective breathing device intended for trained individuals in military aircraft emergencies such as decompression, fire, evacuation, rescue, smoke-filled cabins, toxic fumes or hazardous cargo spills.

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We have found 4 more results for EPOS
Worldwide EPOS Electronic Point Of Sale
Business Terms
Worldwide EPOS European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society
Associations & Organizations
Medical Organizations
Worldwide EPOS Embedded Parallel Operating System
Companies & Corporations
Worldwide EPOS Electronic Presentation Online System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of EPOS in Military?

The full form of EPOS is Emergency Passenger Oxygen System

What is the full form of EPOS in Governmental?

Emergency Passenger Oxygen System

What are the full forms of EPOS in Worldwide?

Electronic Point Of Sale | European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society | Emergency Passenger Oxygen System | Embedded Parallel Operating System | Electronic Presentation Online System


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