Definition | : | Electoral Registration Officer |
Category | : | Governmental » Titles |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
Popularity | : |
Type | : |
What does ERO mean?
Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) is the statutory authority responsible for the preparation and revision of the electoral roll.
ERO is a person appointed by a local authority to compile and maintain the electoral roll.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of ERO in Governmental?
The full form of ERO is Electoral Registration Officer
What are the full forms of ERO in Governmental?
Electoral Registration Officer | Education Review Office | Enforcement and Removal Operations | Emergency Regulations Ordinance
What are the full forms of ERO in Worldwide?
Electoral Registration Officer | Elementary Row Operations | Extremely Red Object | Emergency Response Officer | Employee Relations Officer | Easily Recoverable Object | Edge Recombination Operator
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