
Definition : noun: an organized military force equipped for fighting on land
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What does Army mean?

1. An army (from Latin armata, “armed, armed force”) is an organized military force equipped for fighting on land.
2. A group of men that are armed to fight.

The popular backronym for ARMY is:
Alert Regular Mobility Young

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Worldwide ARMY Adorable Representative MC for Youth
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of Army?

The full form of Army is noun: an organized military force equipped for fighting on land

What is the full form of Army in Academic & Science?

noun: an organized military force equipped for fighting on land

What are the full forms of Army in Worldwide?

noun: an organized military force equipped for fighting on land | Adorable Representative MC for Youth


Find translations of noun: an organized military force equipped for fighting on land