Definition | : | Aspect Ratio |
Category | : | Transport & Travel » Air Transport |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does AR mean?
Aspect Ratio (AR) of a wing is defined as the square of the span divided by the wing area.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of AR in Aeronautics?
The full form of AR is Aspect Ratio
What are the full forms of AR in Transport & Travel?
Aerolíneas Argentinas | Aspect Ratio | Arretium
What are the full forms of AR in Worldwide?
Augmented Reality | Argon | Accounts Receivable | Arabic | Androgen Receptor | Autoregressive | Aortic Regurgitation | Aspect Ratio | Architect | Archiver | Aryl group | Anti Reflective | Alternate Reality | Accelerated Reader | Archimedes number | Relative atomic mass | Assistant Referee | Atrophic Rhinitis | Artificial Respiration | Absolute Return | Argent
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