Definition | : | Vice-Chairman |
Category | : | Business » Job Titles |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does VC mean?
Vice-Chairman (VC) is a member of a committee/board appointed by the committee/board to take on the Chairman's duties if the Chairman is absent for any reason.
VC ranks below the chairman, and assists the chairman or acts as the chairman's deputy.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of VC in Positions?
The full form of VC is Vice-Chairman
What are the full forms of VC in Business?
Venture Capital/Capitalist | Vice-Chairman
What are the full forms of VC in Worldwide?
Venture Capital/Capitalist | Victoria Cross | Vice-Chancellor | Video Chat | Vinyl Chloride | Virtual Circuit | Virtual Console | Vice-Chairman | Voice Chat | Vanadium Carbide | Cruising speed | Version Control | Voice Channel | Vi Coactus | Vapnik–Chervonenkis theory | Virtual Console | Volkov Commander | VideoCore
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