
Definition : veritas (Latin for truth) + horizon
Category : Business » Companies & Corporations
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does Verizon mean?

Verizon Verizon Communications or Verizon is a global broadband and telecommunications company headquartered in New York City, New York, United States. It started in 1983 as Bell Atlantic. In 2000, Bell Atlantic acquired former independent phone company GTE, and change its name to “Verizon”, a portmanteau of veritas (Latin for truth) and horizon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of Verizon?

The full form of Verizon is veritas (Latin for truth) + horizon

What is the full form of Verizon in Business?

veritas (Latin for truth) + horizon

What is the full form of Verizon in Worldwide?

veritas (Latin for truth) + horizon


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