Definition | : | derived from the Belgian town of Spa (Aquae Spadanae) |
Category | : | Medical » Treatments & Procedures |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does Spa mean?
The term Spa is associated with water treatment of disease by bathing, also known as balneotherapy. It uses curative powers of minerals in the water. Spa therapy can refer to water treatment or any wellness treatments associate with it.
The term Spa is named after the Belgian town of Spa. During the Roman Empire, the place was called Aquae Spadanae, where hot mineral springs were used by Roman soldiers to treat aching muscles and wounds from a battle. The popular backronym of SPA is from the Latin phrase “Salus Per Aquam” or “Sanus Per Aquam” or “Sanitas Per Aquam”, meaning “health by or through water”.
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