Definition : Senior Officer Present Afloat
Category : Governmental » Titles
Country/Region : United States United States
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What does SOPA mean?

Senior Officer Present Afloat, usually referred to as SOPA, is a U.S. Navy term to indicate the U.S. Navy officer, with the highest ranking by rank, or number in rank, present in a harbor occupied by more than one U.S. Navy vessel. That officer is essentially commander of all U.S. Navy operations afloat in the harbor and is responsible to civilian authorities for the action of the ships and the behavior of crews under his or her command.

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We have found 4 more results for SOPA
United States SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act
Rules & Regulations
United States SOPA Schedule of Proposed Actions
News & Entertainment
Journals & Publications
Worldwide SOPA Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer
Academic & Science
Astronomy & Space Science
South Africa SOPA Socialist Party of Azania

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of SOPA in U.S Navy Titles?

The full form of SOPA is Senior Officer Present Afloat

What are the full forms of SOPA in Governmental?

Stop Online Piracy Act | Senior Officer Present Afloat | Socialist Party of Azania

What are the full forms of SOPA in the United States?

Stop Online Piracy Act | Schedule of Proposed Actions | Senior Officer Present Afloat


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