Definition : Standard Operating Procedure
Category : Business » Business Terms
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What does SOP mean?

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a detailed, written set of instructions or guidelines that outline the steps and activities necessary to complete tasks in a standardized and consistent manner.
SOP is a set of step-by-step instructions that outline the way to perform a routine or repetitive task. It is designed to ensure that tasks are carried out consistently, efficiently, and in compliance with established standards or regulations.
The term SOP is used in a variety of different contexts, including hospitality, healthcare, aviation, education, industry, and military.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of SOP?

The full form of SOP is Standard Operating Procedure

What is the full form of SOP in Business?

Standard Operating Procedure

What are the full forms of SOP in Worldwide?

Standard Operating Procedure | Statement Of Purpose | Sum of Products | Secondary Oxygen Pack | Same Origin Policy


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