Definition : Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Category : Governmental » Law & Legal
Country/Region : United States United States
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What does SCRA mean?

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), formerly known as the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act (SSCRA), is a federal law that provides protections for military members as they enter active duty.

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We have found 8 more results for SCRA
India SCRA Special Class Railway Apprentice
Academic & Science
United Kingdom SCRA Scottish Countryside Rangers Association
Associations & Organizations
Professional Associations
India SCRA Securities Contracts Regulation Act
Law & Legal
United Kingdom SCRA Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration
Departments & Agencies
United States SCRA South Carolina Research Authority
Associations & Organizations
Regional Organizations
Worldwide SCRA Single Channel Radio Access
Fiji SCRA Sugar City Ratepayers Alliance
Australia SCRA Southern Contemporary Rock Assembly
News & Entertainment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of SCRA in Governmental (USA)?

The full form of SCRA is Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

What are the full forms of SCRA in Governmental?

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act | Securities Contracts Regulation Act | Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration | Single Channel Radio Access | Sugar City Ratepayers Alliance

What are the full forms of SCRA in the United States?

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act | South Carolina Research Authority


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