Definition | : | PolyTetra Methylene Terephthalate |
Category | : | Academic & Science » Chemistry |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does PTMT mean?
Polytetra Methylene Terephthalate (PTMT) is a thermoplastic polymer of the polyester family.
PTMT is commonly used in various industries, including automotive, electrical, medical, industrial machinery, and consumer products.
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PTMT | Patent Technology Monitoring Team | ||
Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas [Limited Face-to-Face Learning] |
PTMT | Preparing to Teach Mathematics with Technology |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of PTMT in Thermoplastics?
The full form of PTMT is PolyTetra Methylene Terephthalate
What are the full forms of PTMT in Academic & Science?
PolyTetra Methylene Terephthalate | Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas | Preparing to Teach Mathematics with Technology
What are the full forms of PTMT in Worldwide?
PolyTetra Methylene Terephthalate | Preparing to Teach Mathematics with Technology
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