Definition : Opposite Track Path
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What does OTP mean?

Opposite Track Path (OTP) is a term in the field of optical storage media, refers to a procedure that allows the optical reader to switch fast from layer 0 to layer 1 without a seek across the entire disc(double layer). In OTP, layer 0 in the optical disk is written in a spiral track starting at the inside of the disc, whereas the layer 1 spiral starts at the outside of the disc so that the disk player need to rotate the disc only in one direction.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of OTP in Optical Disk?

The full form of OTP is Opposite Track Path

What are the full forms of OTP in Computing?

One Time Password | Opposite Track Path

What are the full forms of OTP in Worldwide?

One Time Password | One True Pairing | One Time Programmable | Opposite Track Path


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