Definition : Nene Valley Railway
Category : Transport & Travel » Rail Transport
Country/Region : United Kingdom United Kingdom
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What does NVR mean?

Nene Valley Railway (NVR) is a preserved railway in Cambridgeshire, England, running between Peterborough Nene Valley and Yarwell Junction.

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Worldwide NVR Network Video Recorder
Russian Federation NVR Novgorod Airport
Transport & Travel
Airport Codes
United States NVR Naval Vessel Register

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of NVR in Rail Transport (UK)?

The full form of NVR is Nene Valley Railway

What are the full forms of NVR in Transport & Travel?

Novgorod Airport | Nene Valley Railway

What is the full form of NVR in the United Kingdom?

Nene Valley Railway


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