Definition : Non-Fungible Token
Category : Computing » General Computing
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What does NFT mean?

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a class of digital assets or cryptographic tokens that represent something unique on the blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata and cannot be replicated. NFT can be used to represent any digital asset such as drawings, photos, music, audio, videos other types of digital files. NFT serves as a digital certificate of ownership for any given digital asset.

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Australia NFT NorFolk Time
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of NFT?

The full form of NFT is Non-Fungible Token

What is the full form of NFT in Computing?

Non-Fungible Token

What are the full forms of NFT in Worldwide?

Non-Fungible Token | Nutrient Film Technique | NeuroFibrillary Tangle | Not For Tourists


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