Definition : Mobile Pedestrian Handheld
Category : Technology » Communication
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does MPH mean?

Mobile Pedestrian Handheld (MPH) is a technology that allows TV stations to deliver digital content to mobile and video devices such as mobile phones, portable media players and automobile-based infotainment systems.

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We have found 8 more results for MPH
Worldwide MPH Miles Per Hour
Academic & Science
Worldwide MPH Master of Public Health
Academic & Science
Academic Degrees
Philippines MPH Godofredo P. Ramos Airport
Transport & Travel
Airport Codes
Netherlands MPH Martinair
Transport & Travel
Airline Codes
Worldwide MPH Make Poverty History
Associations & Organizations
International Orgaizations
United States MPH Manlius Pebble Hill School
Academic & Science
Universities & Institutions
Ireland MPH Mater Private Hospital
Malaysia MPH Methodist Publishing House
Companies & Corporations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of MPH in Technology?

The full form of MPH is Mobile Pedestrian Handheld

What is the full form of MPH in Technology?

Mobile Pedestrian Handheld

What are the full forms of MPH in Worldwide?

Miles Per Hour | Master of Public Health | Mobile Pedestrian Handheld | Make Poverty History


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