Definition : Least Significant Digit
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What does LSD mean?

Least Significant Digit (LSD) is the digit farthest to the right, excluding any zeros that follow a decimal point.
LSD is the digit farthest to the right, and it holds the least weight or value. In a decimal number, the position of each digit determines its significance, and the rightmost digit is the least significant.

In the number 789, the LSD is indeed 9. It's the rightmost digit and has the least impact on the overall value of the number.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of LSD in Mathematics?

The full form of LSD is Least Significant Digit

What are the full forms of LSD in Academic & Science?

LysergSäureDiethylamid | Least Significant Digit

What are the full forms of LSD in Worldwide?

Limited Slip Differential | LysergSäureDiethylamid | Landing Ship, Dock | Least Significant Digit | Lumpy Skin Disease


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