
Definition : means “pearl” in Arabic
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What does LuLu mean?

LuLu Group LuLu Group International or LuLu Group is a multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). LuLu Group specializes in a range of services, including hypermarket operations, shopping mall development, manufacturing and trading of goods, hospitality assets, and real estate.
LuLu was founded by M. A. Yusuff Ali. He opened his first supermarket in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He chose the name LuLu, which means "pearl" in Arabic. The economy of the UAE was once based on the pearl industry before the discovery of oil.
In English, the word “Lulu” means one that is outstanding, remarkable, or wonderful.

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What is the full form of LuLu Group (Name Origin)?

The full form of LuLu is means “pearl” in Arabic

What is the full form of LuLu in Business?

means “pearl” in Arabic

What are the full forms of LuLu in Worldwide?

means “pearl” in Arabic | Locally Unwanted Land Use


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