Definition : Internet Access Provider
Category : Computing » Internet
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does IAP mean?

Internet Access Provider (IAP) is a company that provides individuals and companies access to the Internet. IAP and ISP are different. IAP’s offer only Internet access whereas ISPs may provide additional services, such as leased lines and Web development.

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We have found 3 more results for IAP
Worldwide IAP In-App Purchase
Software & Applications
India IAP Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Associations & Organizations
Medical Organizations
Worldwide IAP Inhibitors of Apoptosis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of IAP in Internet?

The full form of IAP is Internet Access Provider

What are the full forms of IAP in Computing?

In-App Purchase | Internet Access Provider

What are the full forms of IAP in Worldwide?

In-App Purchase | Internet Access Provider | Inhibitors of Apoptosis


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