Definition : Gallium Nitride
Category : Academic & Science » Electronics
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What does GaN mean?

Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a semiconductor material that is widely used in the production of high-efficiency power transistors and integrated circuits.

A GAN charger refers to a type of charger that uses GAN technology.
GAN chargers are used to charge a variety of devices such as smartphones and laptops. They are known for their fast charging capabilities, which allow devices to charge faster than traditional chargers.
GAN chargers are also more energy-efficient and produce less heat than traditional chargers.

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We have found 11 more results for GaN
Worldwide GAN Generative Adversarial Network
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Celebrities & Famous
United States GAN Great American Novel
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Maldives GAN Gan International Airport
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Airport Codes
Switzerland GAN Global Apprenticeship Network
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Worldwide GAN Giant Axonal Neuropathy
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France GAN Groupe des Assurances Nationales
[National Insurance Group]
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Argentina GAN Gran Acuerdo Nacional
[Great National Agreement]
Nepal GAN Global Action Nepal
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Worldwide GAN Global Arab Network
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of GaN in Semiconductors?

The full form of GaN is Gallium Nitride

What are the full forms of GaN in Academic & Science?

Gallium Nitride | Great American Novel

What are the full forms of GaN in Worldwide?

Gallium Nitride | Generative Adversarial Network | Generic Access Network | Giant Axonal Neuropathy | Global Arab Network


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