
Definition : the name “Facebook” originated from the name of directories that were distributed to students at the beginning of the academic year to help students get to know each other
Category : Computing » Websites
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What does Facebook mean?

Facebook Facebook (FB) is a social networking service and website operated and owned by Meta Platforms (Meta).

The term face book was originally a generic term used to refer to printed or online directories found at American universities consisting of photographs, names, and limited biographical data of their students. In particular, it denotes the publications of this type distributed by university administrations at the start of the academic year with the intention of helping students get to know each other (socializing). The social networking site was originally called thefacebook.com and was later changed to facebook.com


Find translations of the name “Facebook” originated from the name of directories that were distributed to students at the beginning of the academic year to help students get to know each other