Definition | : | Dual-Listed Company |
Category | : | Business » Business Terms |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does DLC mean?
Dual-Listed Company (DLC) is a corporate structure in which two separate companies incorporated in different countries contractually agreeing to operate their businesses as if they were a single enterprise, also retain separate listings and identities in their respective markets. Both companies have their own set of shareholders. Because of the listings on the two different exchanges, it is said to be a dual-listed company.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of DLC in Business?
The full form of DLC is Dual-Listed Company
What are the full forms of DLC in Business?
Dual-Listed Company | Dillen & Le Jeune Cargo
What are the full forms of DLC in Worldwide?
Diamond-Like Carbon | Data Link Connector | DownLoadable Content | Differential Leukocyte Count | Dual-Listed Company | Dioxin-Like Compound | Data Length Code | Data Link Control | Digital Loop Carrier | Double-Layer Capacitor | Desktop Linux Consortium | Discrete Logarithm Cryptography