Definition | : | Département Fédéral des Finances French [Federal Department of Finance] |
Category | : | Governmental » Departments & Agencies |
Country/Region | : | Switzerland |
Popularity | : |
What does DFF mean?
Federal Department of Finance (French: Département Fédéral des Finances, DFF) is a department of the Swiss federal government.
DFF in other langages:
In Italian, Dipartimento Federale delle Finanze
In Romansh, Departament Federal da Finanzas
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of DFF in Governmental (Switzerland)?
The full form of DFF is Département Fédéral des Finances
What are the full forms of DFF in Governmental?
Département Fédéral des Finances | Dipartimento Federale delle Finanze | Directorate of Film Festivals | Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond | Departament Federal da Finanzas | Dependent of Freedom Fighters
What are the full forms of DFF in Switzerland?
Département Fédéral des Finances | Dipartimento Federale delle Finanze | Departament Federal da Finanzas
Find translations of Département Fédéral des Finances