Definition : Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System
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What does AVAS mean?

Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) is a system that creates artificial engine sound and warning sound outside of the vehicle so that pedestrians can sense the presence of an approaching electric vehicle that emits almost no noise.
The system is designed to alert the presence of electric drive vehicles or hybrid vehicles while driving at low speeds (up to 20-30 km/h), where the tire noise and wind noise contribution is very low. The system gets deactivated after a speed of 30 km/h approximately beyond which the wind noise and tire noise (generated by rolling tires) can be easily heard.

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Romania AVAS Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Statulu
[Authority for State Assets Recovery]
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of AVAS?

The full form of AVAS is Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System

What is the full form of AVAS in Technology?

Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System

What is the full form of AVAS in Worldwide?

Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System


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