Definition : Action for good Governance and Networking in India
Category : Associations & Organizations » Regional Organizations
Country/Region : India India
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What does AGNI mean?

Action for good Governance and Networking in India (AGNI) is a voluntary, apolitical and non-sectarian organization working with government agencies to promote transparency and accountability in India.

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United Arab Emirates AGNI Arena for Global Namboothiris Interaction
Associations & Organizations
Regional Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of AGNI?

The full form of AGNI is Action for good Governance and Networking in India

What are the full forms of AGNI in Associations & Organizations?

Action for good Governance and Networking in India | Arena for Global Namboothiris Interaction

What is the full form of AGNI in India?

Action for good Governance and Networking in India


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