Definition : Absorbed Glass Mat
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What does AGM mean?

Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) is a type of lead-acid battery that is sealed and maintenance-free. It is commonly used in applications where a high level of performance and reliability is required.
AGM batteries use a special type of separator, made of ultra-thin glass mat (fiberglass), that absorbs the electrolyte (sulfuric acid) and holds it in place between the lead plates. This design allows for more efficient use of the electrolyte, as it is distributed evenly throughout the battery.
AGM batteries also have a high resistance to vibration and can be installed in any position.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of AGM in Batteries?

The full form of AGM is Absorbed Glass Mat

What is the full form of AGM in Technology?

Absorbed Glass Mat

What are the full forms of AGM in Worldwide?

Annual General Meeting | Absorbed Glass Mat | Assistant General Manager | Air-to-Ground Missile


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