Definition | : | milliLiter |
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What does mL mean?
Milliliter (ml) is a unit of capacity equal to 1/1000 (one-thousandth) of a liter. In other words, 1000 milliliters equal 1 liter.
1000 milliliter (mL) = 1 Liter (L)
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of mL?
The full form of mL is milliLiter
What are the full forms of mL in Academic & Science?
milliLiter | Master in Law | Monolayer
What are the full forms of mL in Worldwide?
milliLiter | Machine Learning | Markup Language | Master in Law | Maternity Leave | MidLine | Monolayer | Machine Language | MultiLevel Recording
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