Definition : Monetized Daily Active Users
Category : Business » Business Terms
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does mDAU mean?

Monetized Daily Active Users (mDAU) is a metric used to measure the number of unique users who have accessed and interacted with a product or service within a specific day and have the potential to generate revenue through various monetization methods.
mDAU is used by companies to measure the financial performance and engagement of an online platform or service, particularly in the context of social media, digital advertising, and internet-based businesses.

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Worldwide MDAU Maternity Day Assessment Unit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of mDAU?

The full form of mDAU is Monetized Daily Active Users

What is the full form of mDAU in Business?

Monetized Daily Active Users

What are the full forms of mDAU in Worldwide?

Monetized Daily Active Users | Maternity Day Assessment Unit


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