
Definition : name after its founder, Adolf Würth
Category : Business » Companies & Corporations
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does Wurth mean?

Würth Würth is a German multinational company that operates in various sectors, including the automotive industry, construction, woodworking, and maintenance and repair.
The company was founded in 1945 by Adolf Würth and initially focused on selling screws and fasteners.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of Wurth Group (Name Origin) | Wuerth?

The full form of Wurth is name after its founder, Adolf Würth

What is the full form of Wurth in Business?

name after its founder, Adolf Würth

What is the full form of Wurth in Worldwide?

name after its founder, Adolf Würth


Find translations of name after its founder, Adolf Würth