Definition : E.T. Joshua Airport
Category : Transport & Travel » Airport Codes
Country/Region : Saint Vincent And The Grenadines Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
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What does SVD mean?

E.T. Joshua Airport (IATA code: SVD, ICAO: TVSV), formerly known as Arnos Vale Airport, is located in Arnos Vale, Saint Vincent island in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The airport was named for Ebenezer Theodore Joshua, the first chief minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

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What is the full form of SVD in Airport Codes?

The full form of SVD is E.T. Joshua Airport

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E.T. Joshua Airport | Sarwari railway station | Selective Vehicle Detection

What is the full form of SVD in Saint Vincent And The Grenadines?

E.T. Joshua Airport


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