Definition | : | Resilient Distributed Dataset |
Category | : | Computing » Programming & Development |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does RDD mean?
Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) is the fundamental data structure for the data-analytic framework Apache Spark.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of RDD in Apache Spark?
The full form of RDD is Resilient Distributed Dataset
What are the full forms of RDD in Computing?
Resilient Distributed Dataset | Responsibility-Driven Design | Replaceable Database Driver | Rubber Duck Debugging | RDF Declarative Description
What are the full forms of RDD in Worldwide?
Random Digit Dialing | Resilient Distributed Dataset | Radiological Dispersal Device | Regression Discontinuity Design | Responsibility-Driven Design | Rosai–Dorfman Disease | Radar Detector Detector | Rational Drug Design | Required Delivery Date | Replaceable Database Driver | Renault Driver Development | Rubber Duck Debugging | RDF Declarative Description