Definition : an electrocardiographic complex consisting of the Q, R, and S waves
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What does QRS mean?

QRS complex QRS complex is a group of waves seen on an electrocardiogram, representing ventricular depolarization. The QRS complex is sometimes called the QRS wave. QRS wave in electrocardiogram has been arbitrarily labeled in alphabetical order. The Q wave is a short downwards deflection, the R wave a conspicuous upwards stroke, and the S wave a return to below the level of the base-line.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of QRS Complex?

The full form of QRS is an electrocardiographic complex consisting of the Q, R, and S waves

What are the full forms of QRS in Medical?

an electrocardiographic complex consisting of the Q, R, and S waves | Quantron/Quantum Resonance System

What are the full forms of QRS in Worldwide?

an electrocardiographic complex consisting of the Q, R, and S waves | Quantron/Quantum Resonance System


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