Definition : Profit and Loss
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What does PnL mean?

PnL means Profit and Loss (PnL) or Profit & Loss (P&L).

PnL could mean:
1, P&L statement, refers to the total profit or loss made by a company or individual over a given period, usually a fiscal quarter or year. P&L statement is a financial statement used to assess a company’s performance.

2, PnL is the way traders refer to the daily change to the value of their trading positions.
PnL = Value today - Value from prior day

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of PnL?

The full form of PnL is Profit and Loss

What is the full form of PnL in Business?

Profit and Loss

What are the full forms of PnL in Worldwide?

Profit and Loss | Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica


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