Definition | : | Passenger Name Record |
Category | : | Transport & Travel » Air Transport |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does PNR mean?
Passenger Name Record (PNR) is a unique number assigned to each ticket in a Computer Reservation System (CRS). It includes information such as passenger details, travel dates, itineraries, seats, baggage, contact details and means of payment.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of PNR in Airways & Railways?
The full form of PNR is Passenger Name Record
What are the full forms of PNR in Transport & Travel?
Passenger Name Record | Passenger Name Record | Penrith North Lakes | Point of No Return | Antonio-Agostinho-Neto International Airport
What are the full forms of PNR in Worldwide?
Passenger Name Record | Place and Route | Point of No Return | Photoreceptor-cell-specific Nuclear Receptor
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