Definition | : | Parental Alienation Syndrome |
Category | : | Medical » Psychiatry & Mental Health |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does PAS mean?
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a term coned by the American Psychiatrist Richard A. Gardner to describe a distinctive suite of behaviors in children that includes showing extreme but unwarranted fear, disrespect or hostility towards a parent. It rises primarily in the context of child custody disputes.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of PAS in Mental Disorders?
The full form of PAS is Parental Alienation Syndrome
What are the full forms of PAS in Medical?
Periodic Acid-Schiff | Parental Alienation Syndrome | Physician-Assisted Suicide | Para-AminoSalicylic acid | Patient Administration System | Panic and Agoraphobia Scale
What are the full forms of PAS in Worldwide?
Power Assisted Steering | Periodic Acid-Schiff | Parental Alienation Syndrome | Physician-Assisted Suicide | Para-AminoSalicylic acid | Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy | Patient Administration System | Panic and Agoraphobia Scale | Personal Access System | Process Automation System | Physics Academic Software