Definition : Otis College of Art and Design
Category : Academic & Science » Universities & Institutions
Country/Region : United States United States
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What does OCAD mean?

Otis College of Art and Design (OCAD) ) is a private art school located in Los Angeles, California, United States.
The college is named after Harrison Gray Otis, a prominent figure in Los Angeles history.

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We have found 3 more results for OCAD
Canada OCAD Ontario College of Art and Design
Academic & Science
Universities & Institutions
United States OCAD Orange County Academic Decathlon
Academic & Science
Exams & Tests
Canada OCAD Ontario College Advanced Diploma
Academic & Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of OCAD in Art Schools (California, USA)?

The full form of OCAD is Otis College of Art and Design

What are the full forms of OCAD in Academic & Science?

Ontario College of Art and Design | Otis College of Art and Design | Orange County Academic Decathlon | Ontario College Advanced Diploma

What are the full forms of OCAD in the United States?

Otis College of Art and Design | Orange County Academic Decathlon


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