Definition | : | Mature |
Category | : | Computing » Games & Entertainment |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does M mean?
Mature (M) is a rating assigned by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) to indicate that video game content is intended for people aged 17 years or older. Games with an "M" rating are considered not suitable for children.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of M in Video Game Rating?
The full form of M is Mature
What are the full forms of M in Computing?
Mature | Mature (Age 17+) | mobile
What are the full forms of M in Worldwide?
metre | Manual | Millennium | Male | Manual | Motorsport | Mass (as in E=mc^2) | Medium | Minute | Mature | 1000 (Roman numeral) | Milli | Mega | Mature (Age 17+) | Chief of the British Secret Service | Motor | mobile | Mach number | Methionine | Mean anomaly