
Definition : Instant/instante mense Latin [this month]
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What does Inst mean?

Inst. is short for instant (current) or instante mense. Instante mense is a Latin term meaning “this month’. The term Inst. was commonly used in nineteenth-century letters and memos to refer to the current month. Its counterparts were:
ult. :ultimo mense (last Month)
prox. :proximo mense (next month)

the 10th inst. = the 10th of the current month.
the 10th ult. = the 10th of the last month.
the 10th prox. = the 10th of the next month.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of Inst in Date?

The full form of Inst is Instant/instante mense

What are the full forms of Inst in Academic & Science?

Institute | Instant/instante mense

What are the full forms of Inst in Worldwide?

Institute | Instrument/Instrumental | Install/Installation | Instant/instante mense


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