Definition : Global Trade Item Number
Category : Business » Business Terms
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does GTIN mean?

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), sometimes also known as Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN), is a unique identifier used to identify products and items. It is a standardized and globally recognized identification number assigned to individual products, allowing for accurate tracking, inventory management, and efficient data exchange throughout the supply chain.
GTIN is assigned by Global Standards 1 (GS1), which is a non-profit organization that develops and maintains standards for supply chain management, including product identification and barcoding.

GTIN-12: This is a 12-digit number commonly used for products sold in North America.
GTIN-13: This is a 13-digit number used globally and is the most common GTIN format.
GTIN-14: This is a 14-digit number used for identifying products at the shipping container level.
GTIN-8: This is an 8-digit number used for small products or items where space for a larger barcode is limited.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of GTIN?

The full form of GTIN is Global Trade Item Number

What is the full form of GTIN in Business?

Global Trade Item Number

What is the full form of GTIN in Worldwide?

Global Trade Item Number


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