Definition : End Of Day
Category : Business » Business Terms
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What does EOD mean?

End Of Day (EOD) refers to the end of the business day or the end of the trading day in the financial markets. It is used to indicate the end of the trading day in financial markets, as well as the end of the workday for employees in businesses. The exact time that marks the end of the day can vary depending on the location and the specific business or market.
EOD can also be used more generally to refer to the end of a work shift or the end of any particular activity. EOD is often used to designate the time by which something must be completed.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of EOD?

The full form of EOD is End Of Day

What is the full form of EOD in Business?

End Of Day

What are the full forms of EOD in Worldwide?

End Of Day | Explosive Ordnance Disposal | Electric Organ Discharge


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