Definition | : | ElectroDeposition |
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What does ED mean?
Electrodeposition (ED) or Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD or ED) Coating is a surface coating method that uses electrical current to deposit the paint onto the surface.
In ED Coating, the substrate is immersed in a bath that has paint particles suspended in it. An electric current is then used to attract the particles that are suspended in the liquid solution and deposit them onto the surface of the substrate.
ED Coating is used throughout the industry as a means to coat products in various categories such as automobiles, automotive parts, transformers, metal office furniture, home appliances, fixtures, and so on.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of ED Coating?
The full form of ED is ElectroDeposition
What are the full forms of ED in Technology?
Edition | ElectroDeposition | Electrodialysis
What are the full forms of ED in Worldwide?
Education | Emergency Department | Expiration Date | Executive Director | Edition | Editor | Eating Disorder | Erectile Dysfunction | ElectroDeposition | Enumeration District | Effective Dose | Electrodialysis | Engineering Design | Efficiency Decoration | Ethyldichloroarsine